Monday, December 14, 2009

Still Setting Up

Can't believe it! More than two months after Ondoy visited Metro Manila, here I am still cleaning and organizing. There's very little accomplishment. At least, I was able to dispose my desktop so my big narra table is now exclusively for my laptop. Actually, since it's so big, I can buy one more comp and it would fit just right. But then, I will have to wait for the big sale early next year.

It's really a manic Monday for me. My mom will arrive soon and am sure she will complain on the current state of our house. Hahahahaha. "You're my only daughter and I expect you to at least clean the house, blah blah blah." Well Mom, you're still in denial. AM NOT DOMESTIC! ahahaha I fixed the clogged sink, isn't that enough? And look at our cat, Ching Ching, she's so fat courtesy of Whiskas and Friskies. And the plants still have leaves.

But for the sake of making my Mom happy, am cleaning the house with the aid of my brand new vacuum. Yes! I just want to brag. hahahahha. Gosh am laughing a lot these days, probably because of the season.

Holiday season after all gives me the excuse to shop. I recently went to a toy warehouse where they sell Barbie, v-tech, tonka and other items. My excuse was, I need to shop for gifts for my inaanaks (godchildren). But since they are by now old for Barbies, I just bought dolls for myself. hahahahaha. I now have 3 Barbies! Am sure Pau, my niece, would brag that she has more, she can't keep track how many. And she's not even 4! Well Pau, I never had a Barbie when I was a kid so it's about time I start collecting, right? Now if only my other niece, Tin, would return my Swiss Barbie...hmmmm but that is wishful thinking.

Anyway, I have 3 more articles to write for the newspaper before I call it a year. Good thing I have already wrapped some gifts. And then there's more shopping to do. I should better be going. Till next!


knightman said...

Another good one baby. I love it. Don't forget about the nail polish that needs to be returned too! hahaha
The only part I didnt like was the part about the vacuum. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Glad your mom is coming soon.

MWAH! I love you!

Love Bum said...

Baby, I don't use the computer and vacuum at the same time. Bwahahahahaha!!!