I didn't realize that they have powers or carry certain energy. I just noticed that whenever I activate my black onyx, the people that I want to get out of my life really did that for good. No! It didn't mean they died, they just either relocated or resigned from work, like that.
Anyway, a psychic-friend (hello Madam!) gifted me with matching rose quartz necklace and bracelet. Since then, love is all around. hahahaha. If you are not a believer, that's up to you. I believe that energy exists. If something, like my stones, can transform negative to positive, when needed, I am up for it. What's wrong with wearing rose quartz and amethyst anyway? They look gorgeous! And if black tourmaline and black onyx can protect me from bad elements (people included), I will wear a chunkful! hahahaha
So anyway, I am currently having an inventory of my precious collection because I have added more lately. My amethyst earrings are from Thailand. I'm so excited in getting that Carnelian, Sardonyx and more Hematite. Also, I'll add up on rose quartz, amethyst and jade in a few days! Oh, and the moonstone! I gotta have it too. My Sunstone needs a partner! I gave my nieces my two moonstone pendants plus rose quartz earrings. You're so lucky Xandra and Lexi!
May we all be happy, healthy and fulfilled! Sat Nam!
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